Acceptance Letter
This certifies that, the following submission has been accepted by Iranian Journal of Educational Research.
Submission title: Structural model of academic engagement, rumination and cognitive-behavioral avoidance: Mediating role of self-efficacy
Submission status: Published
Submission authors:
Fatemeh Homayon , Master of Educational Psychology, Payame Noor University, Kharameh, Iran - Dr. Bakhtyar Hassan Muhammadamin , PhD. counseling, Lecturer at Education and psychology Department, College of Education, University of Raparin, Kurdistan region, Iraq, , 009647503144903 - Masoumeh Safari Garaei, Master of Curriculum Planning, Payam Noor University, Kharameh, Iran. - Ali Nojumi, Bachelor of Elementary Education, Shahid Beheshti Teacher Training University, Eghlid, Iran - Monireh Sadikhani, Bachelor of Law, Payam Noor University, Safashahr, Iran - Ebrahim Shirvani *, Master of Family Counseling, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran -
Acceptance Date:
Your article will be published in one of the next issues of the Journal.
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